Announcement of Easter (and other moveable feasts)

I didn’t get to hear this chanted at my parish this year 😦 Which is too bad…because there’s just something special about the announcement and the way it roots us in a cosmic calendar, a calendar of holy time, sacred time.

Here it is in print, courtesy of the Homiletic and Pastoral Review. Now it feels like the Christmas season is really over 😉

Know, dear brothers and sisters,
that, as we have rejoiced at the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ,
so by leave of God’s mercy
we announce to you also the joy of his Resurrection,
who is our Savior.

On the fifth day of March will fall Ash Wednesday,
and the beginning of the fast of the most sacred Lenten season.

On the twentieth day of April you will celebrate with joy Easter Day,
the Paschal feast of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On the twenty-ninth day of May will be the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On the eighth day of June, the feast of Pentecost.

On the twenty-second day of June, the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

On the thirtieth day of November, the First Sunday of the Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

One thought on “Announcement of Easter (and other moveable feasts)

  1. We did hear this chanted at our parish this year and I’m so glad. However, most of the feedback I got from my fellow parishioners (including my mother) was that it was odd and unnecessary. Heavy sigh. It’s odd to me that older parishioners are often the ones who “complain” about bringing back traditions.


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